After walking around Cairns yesterday and a solid gym workout prior to that (did I mention that for the 1st time since my knee operation I was able to cycle on the stationary bike? Yea!) my knees were aching. So much so that I needed pain killers and a day off gym. So I did what any respectable person does at sea. I slept in.

Day 5 was pretty uneventful with Shane & I filling the day investigating the ship. Food on this ship is in abundance and saying no to so many culinary delights is not easy. Just the same we made it to the regular dining room for tea that evening composed of some terrific fare. As the group at our table (10 people) get to know each other better the conversation flows more freely. Laughter is a great accompaniment to a terrific meal. When we finished our meal we all headed to the theatre for a show before calling it a night.

Day 6 and we are crossing the Gulf of Carpentaria. It is ANZAC Day and a remembrance ceremony has been organised for 0700 by the pool in front of the big screen. Most of the 2000 people aboard are there. Ian & I are there with medals all polished as are several others and we join in to pay our respects. ‘Legend’ has arranged a (recent) veteran, a bugler and a young lady (looks to be barely a teenager) with bagpipes to support the service. Also doing readings are a rabbi, a priest, the ship’s show director and the service is completed with a wreath laid in the pool. All up a very good effort. Later, after gym, Ian & I share a gunfire breakfast of rum & coffee.

During tea tonight we were surprised to hear the National Anthem being played. We stopped eating and got to our feet then to our surprise all of the dining room staff gathered on the stairs between the upper and lower dining rooms and sang a tribute song to the ANZAC’s. It was extremely touching. The Kiwi anthem was played as well and we all returned to our seats flabbergasted by this token offered by this multi-national staff. Even the foreign travelers were impressed.
We (our table of 7) went below then almost cleaned up in the ‘Music Trivia’ game with 17/20 before watching a very good show by 3 guys performing as ‘The Boys in the Band’. These guys did an impressive show consisting of 50’s & 60’s songs by luminaries such as The Beatles, The Four Seasons, The Bee Gees, Simon & Garfunkel, The Jackson 5 and a few others.