The day started out with us all feeling a bit down because for Col, Helen, Ian & Jules their holiday was over. Today they were all flying back to good old Oz and their lives there. We on the other hand were about to start a whole new chapter of our lives by trying Penang for 6 months.

After we all got up we enquired about how Julie was from her bus high dive the day before. She assured us she was fine but then Julie always puts on a brave face. We all hope she travels well to Bundaberg. It’s a long trip. Now that everyone was packed we awaited taxis to take us to our respective destinations. Ian & Julie were first to leave. We hugged and sent them off with our good wishes. Col & Helen had 6 more hours to wait so they helped Shane & I with our massive pile of luggage and the 4 of us set off to Times Square to dump our gear there before returning to Gurney. Before leaving TS we found a half decent place that served good beef burgers but lousy coffee (good coffee is almost impossible to find here).
Back at the Gurney Unit Col & Helen showered and prepared to leave. Right on time their cab was here and they were off to their mobile abode in Australia. That left Shane & I. We did a quick spruce up of our unit before the landlord came in for his inspection. With our deposit in hand we also jumped into a cab to head back to TS.
At TS we relaxed for the first time in a while. I really didn’t mind organising the bookings etc for this trip but I had felt a bit let down by these last ‘digs’ but for now Shane & I went downstairs to look around our new mall/home. Our new flatmate wasn’t yet home from work so we decided to grab a feed and a very good meal it was. Shane had an Hawaiian Chicken while I had Pork Fillet. Washed down with a beer for Shane and a rum (only Captain Morgan – no one here has Bundy) for me it was a very satisfying meal.

We wandered a bit more, found a coffee & cake store where we finally had a real decent cup of ‘Joe’ and Shane devoured an extremely nice Mango sponge cake which actually had real mango and real cream.

On the way back up to our condo we took a picture of the lone swimmer in the residence pool. Turned out it was our flat mate Tania.
Finally I’ll post some pictures of our new home. I wish everyone could experience the sights and sounds of Georgetown as we are doing.

Ok, bye for now. I hope our travelling companions all got home safe and in good spirits and not too travel weary.
Hey guys i finally found you both? Guess what i am feeling home sick. ..i wont to come back xx