The “welcome party” on the wharf at Puerto Princesa for us.
Puerto Princesa is an interesting town on the island of Palawan south of Manila. Like many 3rd world places urbanisation has outstripped the ability of authorities to maintain facilities leading to a town overflowing with poverty and poor living conditions.
This however has given importance to tourism as a source of income to the many people who have migrated from rural areas to the towns in search of their ‘fortune’. These fortunes, in many cases, are just a matter of enough cash to buy food, shelter and clothing.
The main ‘downer’ of cruising is that stays in ports are mainly measured in hours rather than days because this port has much to see. When we arrived there were bands, dancers, stalls and money changers all waiting on the wharf to greet us. PP is home to a UNESCO listed underground river that can be navigated up to 8 kms under massive limestone cliffs. Close to the port is the 19th-century Immaculate Concepcion Cathedral.
PP is also renown as a great diving and swimming site. It was a pity that due to time restrictions and our injuries that we couldn’t get to see most of these sights. We did however get to see the local war museum, and some other minor local sights.

Later, on board, we had a very funny incident during tea. For days Ian had been harassing the staff of the dining room for deep fried ice cream. Even the chefs came out to talk to him but as it was not on the standard menu of the ship they assured us it couldn’t be done. Eventually though they gave in and after we gave the chefs instructions on how to prepare DFIC they relented and last night it appeared at our table. The irony of this was that after a ‘tough day’ in PP Ian was not at tea. He had decided to eat in his cabin and relax. Not to worry though. After all this Alvaro, the supervisor of our area grabbed a spare desert and rushed it 2 decks down to Ian’s cabin.