Today was a strange sort of day. When we awoke it was raining and scattered showers pursued us all day. After a quick breakfast and some indecision Ian eventually suggested a trip over the border into ‘Mainland’ China. It sounded good so we set out. Absent-mindedly I forgot to consider visa’s and so when we hit the border we were turned back. Not content with now being illegal border crossers (do we get refugee money?) Julie decided to rub the border police’s noses in it by eating her pie right under a “No eating or drinking” sign. She’s a rebel is our Julie. In fear of rotting in a Chinese prison we scarpered for our lives back to HK. Ah well, that was the morning done.

With threatening skies and Julie now a wanted international criminal the others decided to return to the hotel and there they stayed. Shane & I instead stuck to the train and alighted at Tsim Sha Tsui station and visited the Visitor Information Centre. As we approached the VIC we were accosted by a young lady with maps & brochures for “The Big Bus” and this was, we thought a great idea. In the VIC the lady there was most helpful and coincidentally most of her suggestions were reachable via “The Big Bus” route. Viola! The problem of what to see/do was solved for the next few days. The VIC lady also gave us some great advice as to timing and other places.

One of these places was the market shopping area that included the Ladies Market, the Sport Market and the Electronic Market. With directions on how to get the correct bus and not get lost we set off. Shane is determined to get herself a fitness watch like mine. These are proving difficult to find. By the time we finished our shopping and got back to the hotel for tea my knees were killing me. That’s me done for the day. However, Shane, ever so keen to get a new tablet case headed across the road to the Temple St markets from which she returned victorious. Yea! Now I might stop hearing about that.

So with a not so great weather forecast for the remainder of our stay tomorrow still shows promise as we plan to take to the “Big Bus Company Deluxe Hop-On-Hop-Off Tour” of HK.