3 thought on “Day 7 – Last day in Hong Kong (click this title for more)”
G’day Gaz, hope you are enjoying your overseas life and the knee is standing up to it – I have been back from Hawaii 3 weeks and want to go somewhere warm so will be heading up to QLD shortly – my son has left Townsville and is on the road for a year – currently at Mitchell. Keep in touch. Doggy
G’day Gaz, hope you are enjoying your overseas life and the knee is standing up to it – I have been back from Hawaii 3 weeks and want to go somewhere warm so will be heading up to QLD shortly – my son has left Townsville and is on the road for a year – currently at Mitchell. Keep in touch. Doggy
hows thee knee holding out gary
Which knee? Replacement knee good. Twisted knee still weak & aching.