Yeah, slack, I know. Well that’s why there’s been no blog for the last few days. We’re not in a hurry. We have 5 months here so we decided to have a few slack days. Yesterday my knee was killing me so we’ve taken things easy today.
One of the benefits of Asia is that they live by civilised hours. Hardly anything opens by 10am. Then again few things close before 2200 (10pm). This means we may as well sleep till a manageable hour of 8am, have a leisurely breakfast, wander down to the pool for some hydrotherapy and spa time, head back upstairs to shower then go to lunch. Tough life here.

Just to keep you amused I’ll post 3 pictures from our $13 all up lunch today. The seafood rice was pretty good. The sweet & sour prawns were even better but we laughed at the ‘kids’ (note to self – must stop calling anyone under 40 ‘kids’) at the table next to us. I’m sure a café like this would be a hit in Australia. Each table has a non-stick hotplate in the middle (with a removable heatproof cover) and you buy 1 of 4 types of batter. You also buy the filling and flavourings, for example, choc chips, banana, etc plus assorted toppings. Savoury fillings are available too! Anyway once the hotplate is heated to proper temp you make your own pancakes in ANY shape you like. These kids (darn, said it again) had buttermilk batter and a ‘green’ batter of some flavour. The result as you can see are pancakes like “Eric the pig”. These ki… er… young adults were having a ball and laughing their heads off making all sorts of shapes. They were there when Shane & I came in. We ordered, got served, ate, watched them and left and they were still there making shapes. So there you are. For some bright entrepreneur there’s an idea for you.
So that’s it for now. I don’t want to tire myself out typing so I’ll sign off here.
Garry & Shane.
P.S. I have found 4TO FM online through our internet TV in the condo. Feel right at home hearing Pricey & Minty.