We are often asked by family and friends “Why do you want to go to Penang”? Well if the previous blog posts haven’t answered that question then here’s more to sway you. Firstly this was the view from our bedroom window on Tuesday morning. The Kek Lok Si Temple was beautiful under the morning mist.
On Prices; For the past few weeks I’ve been keeping some receipts to give you an idea of the cost of things here. These are certainly not the cheapest prices about as we’re still finding our way but it is pretty standard. Firstly note that a ‘Malaysian Ringit’ (RM) is about 33 cents Aussie. So just divide RM’s by 3 to get the Aussie price.
From GAMA Supermarket; Coke Zero, 330ml can 1.40 RM each – Angeleno plums – 42.53 RM/kg – Doz fresh eggs, 12.72 RM – Aust Cheddar , 27.50/kg – Pack of 6 drinking glasses, 12RM.
From ‘Hawker’ food stands & Mall cafe’s; See the receipts. For simple comparisons there is a receipt from Macca’s & 1 from KFC (purely for research). The double receipt from the Bakery is one of our favourite places in the mall downstairs. An upmarket fresh bakery (baked in house) with great coffee & open till midnight! The others are meals for two at various outlets, mostly the dearer Mall outlets.
A standard bus ride is either 1 section (1.40RM) or two (2RM) and that covers the island. Taxi’s are rudely cheap. We got through thick traffic to the State of Origin game (a trip of about 6km) for 5RM – That’s under $2 AUD and we get our cabs using an app called GrabTeksi (Malay spelling). You we pre-order your cab and the nearest driver Using the GPS in your phone calls to confirm the pick up & price then he drops you there at the quoted price.
We haven’t been yet but we’re told the movies costs about 7RM. Bar prices for a Tiger beer (375ml can) can range from 10RM upwards depending on the type of bar. We’ve only been to the better hotels. The dearest meal we’ve had was from Healy Macs Irish Pub. It cost us about $90 AUD for 3 main meals and 3 large jugs of Tiger beer & 1 desert (Shane’s not mine). This is just some of the meals we took photos of.
Last Sunday on our way home from Healy Macs Irish Pub we got to the 2nd floor of our block to find ourselves in ‘cartoon land’. Seems we had walked into an Anime Convention. The kids certainly love getting dressed up as their favourite comic book characters.

Then last night we headed to the “All Ranks Club”, a club for and run by Australian Defence Force Members to watch the State of Origin. (OK Qld’ers, shut up and stop skiting.) We found out about it from a tip in the Internations Forum (www.internations.org) and had a preview peek at the place on Monday. As we approached the gate I spotted a 60cm Golden Tree Snake on the bricks by the hedge. Quite pretty up close.
Finally to wrap up this random rambling we went out for tea tonight (as one so often does here at these prices) so I’ll post some pics we took at the New Lane Market just across the block from us. This is Penang Hawker Food. The menu in the 3rd last picture is interesting and have a close look at the advertising on the fried chicken van in the 5th pic for a giggle.
Chat again later and don’t forget to comment or ask questions if you want.
Garry & Shane