On the 25th of June we sadly departed the lovely Ramada hotel for a long road trip to Jaipur. The mob in the back of the bus are making a huge racket playing games. Sounds like so much fun its good to hear. I think they’re playing their version of Celebrity Heads while I checkout the local cricket game (pic below). India V New Zealand and by the sheepish looks on the New Zealanders faces I think they were being fleeced.

With so many road hours up and so many things to see one trip merges into another in your mind. Palaces, temples, shrines & memorials blur together. So there are not many pictures of today’s travels but believe me when I say tomorrow’s post will make up for it. In the meanwhile here’s some shots from the bus including a dust storm that hit us out of the blue. In the 2nd pic below look closely and you’ll see Shane’s concerned look in the reflections on the glass. This was just one of thousands of near misses we had during our trip but this is normal road habits to the locals.

Jaipur, being the capital of Rajasthan, has many such places. Built in 1727 the city is divided into rectangular blocks. It is also known as the “Pink City”. Jaipur has much to offer the visitor if time permits but time we don’t have. With more miles under us we finally settled in to another quality hotel, LaLit. The hotel is of high quality but sadly isolated which means the best food is in the hotel which is expensive.

Shane & I were headed to the dining room when Pia cut us off & took us for drinks at the bar. While there we watched some local folk dancing group until rain forced them to pack up. We had 2 X fish & chips plus 2 X soft drinks. This cost us just over 3000 rupees or $60! Next night we went next door to a partially completed shopping mall. Only 2 shops open inside one of which was a vegetarian restaurant. We ate there for 700 rupees!

I’m sorry forthe poor quality of the pics of the dancers. They was taken through a glass partition in low light with lots of movements by the dancers. (p.s. I think they both wanted me!)
Cheers till tomorrow’s post.
Garry & Shane