28 June – Well, Shane & I were up at 0430 today for our only ‘extras’ tour, “Sunrise at the Taj Mahal”. Spectacular! Along with Julie, Amy, Robert & Jennifer we were the 1st people into the complex and we even got a pic of us on the ‘Lady Diana’  seat with no one else in sight (OK there were two fools in the back who wouldn’t piss off!). While the other 4 with us re-entered the mausoleum for another look inside we just sat quietly outside soaking up the vision as the sun cast its morning rays onto the translucent marble dome.  Emotional and awe inspiring.
Back at the hotel we quickly packed then hit the dining room for breakfast. Later when the bus collected us we were taken to Fort Agra. I stayed in the bus to sleep while Shane hit the fort for pictures.
From there it was off to the ‘Baby Taj’ before hitting the highway back to Delhi.  You can see from the pictures why it is referred to as the ‘Baby Taj’.
That then is pretty much all of our India Travels.  In the next day or so I hope to get together a summary of our two trips (the Tiger Safaris & the Rajasthan Tour) and that will do me for now.
On Saturday 9th of July we are being forced to return to Australia early (but not before a 3 day break in Bali on the way) so I can have my torn ligaments repaired.  We’ll keep the condo here in Penang so we can return when given the all clear by the doctor.
Thank you to those who contributed to this blog and to those that have followed our travels.  Don’t forget you can comment directly on each post and I would like to hear from you.  After all I can’t improve without your help.
Catch the last post in the next day or two and please comment.
Garry & Shane
Garry & ShaneGarry & ShaneGarry & Shane

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