Finally we’re in our van and on the road.
This post will be a smorgasbord of bits & pieces. I suppose that makes this a bit of a diary as well as a blog. This might turn some readers off but with the emails I have been getting asking about “how can I do this” I think I’ll post this anyway.
In two short weeks in Florida we’ve managed to get a V8 dual cab and a caravan. We’ve done a short bus tour to Key West. We’ve done an air boat trip on the everglades spotting ‘gators . We’ve even gotten enraged at the greed and avarice of the rich and famous of Palm Beach and I’ve almost gotten comfortable driving the Florida Turnpike (on the wrong side of the road at 70mph and still being the slow car on the road)
Gee, tonight I even cooked spaghetti bolognaise using ground bison as the meat.
The last 24 hrs has been bittersweet. First we went to collect our new caravan (‘travel trailer’ they call them here). We were assured it would be ready by about 1 to 1:30pm. We finally left the van yard at 6:30pm. However the wait was worth it. Planet RV, the sales yard, didn’t just sell us a van and send us on our way. They went to great lengths to make sure the entire rig was A1 and safe to deliver. And not just the van but they fitted (at no cost to us I might add) electric van brakes, a new tow bar head, a weight distribution (sway bars) set and tested the whole rig thoroughly. They then walked us through a complete beginner’s course on how everything worked. Much of this we knew from our early days of caravanning but many things here in the U.S. are different. When we eventually got the van to the van park we simply parked it then went back to our resort accommodation for our last night there.
Next morning we had to check out of the resort, return some faulty goods to the retailers and then unpack the pick-up and pack the van. The first stop was our helpful Advanced Auto Parts store. We’d bought a set of weather shields for the Ram but after 2 visits we still didn’t have the correct set. Cut a long story short they still couldn’t get it right on the third visit (the front ones fitted but the rear windows were a bit too long) so they refunded us in full, let us keep the front ones which we had already fitted then gave us the ‘bit too long’ ones which I have cut down to make fit. A ‘win’.
Second stop was Walmart where for the third time we were attempting to get 2 plastic crates with lids that fitted. But before that we were getting hungry for lunch when we discovered a great burger place (“Steak & Shake”) right next door to Walmart. This place is terrific. Win #2. After a fantastic lunch, Walmart gave us a full refund but after more searching of their shelves we not only got a pair of lidded crates this new pair was cheaper and stronger. Win number 3.
Sadly one constant for us didn’t change. Seems that every time we go shopping it doesn’t just rain but it delivers a tropical downpour on us. Today was no different and we’ve spent most of our first day in the van in the rain. Thunder, lightening and a wet whiteout was the order for the majority of the day. Oh well, you can’t win them all!
We’re in our ‘van for our first night and we’re staying at Markham Park. Poor Shane is so knackered from packing/unpacking she’s in bed early and I’m not far from it and its only 10pm. The van is still a mess. Shane thought we’d be packed in no time but it will take a lot longer to get things sorted as we want. Then of course there are things you need that you don’t find out about until you need them. I want to go to bed but the TV here (all 79 channels) has some great old stuff on it and I’m having flashbacks. Dick & Dan’s Laugh-in, Gomer Pyle, Carol Burnett, Johnny Carson, Ed Sullivan and my favourite Daniel Boone. I’ve even seen some I Love Lucy. How good was comedy back then?
It’s now Saturday (USA EST). Our first night in the van was pretty good I thought but there’s still a bit of tweaking to do. I heard some splashing this morning in the canal behind us and was shocked to see fish almost a metre long and weighing at least 10 Kg feeding on someone’s discarded leftover pizza. I need a fishing rod! (These small (30-35cm) fish was taken later in the stay.) There are also squirrels, iguanas, marsh rabbits and more wandering the park.

There are so many interesting and strange things here. Again we’ve been out picking up bits and pieces for the van. For about the first day since we got to Florida it hasn’t rained at all. Driving here (in the USA) is still a bit strange. Blinkers are not optional but almost banned I think. No one uses them and speed limits are a joke. I think using mobile phones while driving here is mandatory too.
This part of Florida is also very different to Australia. Most of the land here (and I’m talking the thin eastern section of Florida) is taken up by estates with beautifully manicured edges with wide multi-lane roads linking them. Canals and lakes with fountains are all over the place and malls and shopping centres mostly face outwards (towards the carpark – called shopping strips) rather than internal facing like our malls. But cross the perimeter to the west of the estates and you’re neck deep in alligators in the everglades. Nothing gradual. You’re either in the everglades or you’re not. Crazy. I will try to insert a map of the area to show the canals and such to display what I mean. This area where we stayed is in the western suburbs of Fort Lauderdale. You can see what I meant when I said almost everyone has a water frontage.
Another day gone and we’re away from Markham Park near Weston. As I type we have settled into the Lazy Lakes Resort on Sugarloaf Key in the Florida Keys. About 180 miles in under 4 hours (including a lunch stop). We’re just 15 miles from Key West. This feels like home. There is a Naval Air Station just up the road. So far we’ve seen a ‘chook’, a fighter and other jet trails indicating ‘war games’ above (Military mates will follow this commentary).
The roads here are fantastic compared to ours and we averaged (ex lunch stop) 50mph (80kph) at 14.9 mpg. At times we hit 75mph with no worries. Pretty good for a 5.75 ltr V8 towing a ’van. This trip to the Key’s was vastly different to our bus tour here a fortnight ago. Today we could see the scenery. It really is spectacular. (See our the blog at and there’s a new one due soon.)
That will do us for now. I hope you’re enjoying these ravings and getting some pleasure from them. For now just watch for more coming soon as I have more shots of the Florida Keys. We’re now into a different style of travel so we hope we can keep up the postings for you.
Garry & Shane.