We are having a ball here in Penang but we will both be happy for a rest at the end of the CNY celebrations. It has been a monster week as I said in my last post and the pressure continues. This period of fun and games started with 4 great days in Langkawi with Celia and Danny. Within hours of returning from there we were at the Clan Jetties for Hokkein New Year. Now we’re off to see the annual Penang Hot Air Balloon Fiesta at the Polo fields about 2kms from us.
Today, Saturday 24th Feb, is the first of 2 days of ballooning which promises much to see. Had we not been so averse to long queues we could have walked into a ‘cold inflated’ balloon envelope as it lay on the ground or even had a short ‘tethered’ flight but for us there were other things to occupy our time.
As we entered Padang Polo grounds we were taken by the size of the event. We entered via a gate on one corner of a field which I’d estimate to be 200 mtrs X 300 mtrs. Down the side to our right was a 300 mtr long line of marquis housing food outlets, craft stalls and exhibition displays. On our left was another 200 mtrs of food & drink stalls. (Hey, we’re in Penang need I say more?) At the far right corner was a display of hundreds of miniature balloons that lit up at night time while diagonally opposite was the fenced off area where the balloons were tethered. All of this surrounded the centre playground set up for the littlies and a stage for the entertainment.
We decided to attack the right flank first. You’ll see in the pics above, which is just a very small portion of what was available, there was ample to eat and see. On the way back along this line of stalls we grabbed some bites for ourselves and sought out a table back near where we entered. This was a good decision as we no sooner sat to eat and the heavens opened up as is the way this time of year. As the rain got heavier more and more people ducked for cover under the many available tents. It didn’t rain for too long, just a quick tropical storm and all was over but while we were resting/eating we met yet another friendly local with whom we had a terrific conversation. Thank you Mr Roselee for the friendly chat and very useful information. I should have got more details about Mr Roselee as he was in a militia style uniform. I think it he is a Captain in the Army or Police (I’m not sure who is who yet in Penang as many ‘services’ wear camo clothes).
By the time the rain passed (half an hour maybe) darkness had descended and the balloons began to come into their own. I had no idea that up close these massive bags of hot air could be so pretty. At first we thought there was only 4 or 5 but gradually ballooners from over the globe who had come to Penang to join in the fiesta started inflating their airships. All up there were not, as Nina sang, 55 Luft Balloons but 15 huge, sometimes comically shaped, balloons filling the air around us. I’ll let the pictures tell the story from here except to say what is an Asian celebration without fireworks? Sure enough after all 15 balloons were aloft and the Chief Minister of Penang had ended the official speeches (like all politicians this guy would attend the opening of an envelope) the fireworks began and the balloons lit up to the accompaniment of synchronised music in a spectacular display.
As ‘half of Penang’ raced to the exits we ordered a Grab Car to get home. Yeah, right! We had no hope. The first one cancelled because he couldn’t get to us for the gridlock around the area. We cancelled the second one because of the estimated wait for him to get to us and then the extra time to get us out again. So we walked home. After a big week the 2 kilometre walk to Mansion One was a real effort but we made it before midnight.

The next day we rose late (naturally) and rested up for the next event, Miao Hui or Penang NY Celebration. Held within the Georgetown World Heritage Area namely King, Bishop & Armenia Streets this festival is open to all. This area takes in Little India and some of the ‘Chinese area’. Ancient ancestral temples are opened to the public and the streets are full of cultural games and performances and yes, more food. The streets were again full and after a plate of Char Keow Teo, some Mee, Chinese Year Cake and some weird local ‘lolly’ so were we. We watched some kids demonstrate their prowess with the diabalo while others sung or danced or both. Lion dancers, dragons and flag throwers did their thing and all up it was a good evening.
(Sorry there seems to be a problem with the coding for this gallery. I’m working on fixing it now but in the meantime you can do as above with the balloon pic and click right button & open in new tab)
So satisfied and very tired we walked a bit away from the crowds (so we thought) to get a Grab Car home. On the way we hit a bar we’d been in a few days earlier for a drink (B@92 Bar) before ordering our car. Unfortunately this guy had troubles like the night before and there was a 20 minute wait for him to find his way to us. Eventually we got back to Mansion One by 9pm and relaxed in front of a movie of all things about demons and The Great Wall of China (good movie – Matt Damon).